Travel Essentials — A Less is More Approach
Over the years, I’ve learned that packing for trips is somewhat of an art form. Not sure about you, but I am not that person that wants to haul a ton of belongings on a trip — I prefer to pack as lightly as possible, with my quality essentials, so that I have less to worry about as a I move throughout my travels.
A Different Kind of Love Letter
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. - Rumi
Yes, I Have Social Media Boundaries
As someone who subscribes to a “plus-minus” philosophy—that is, adding only what provides value to life, and subtracting whatever holds you back—I’ve come to realize that I need definite minuses when it comes to social media in order to live a more fulfilling life.
Just like yoga, I’ve made stepping away from my phone a practice. I’m not perfect, but my goal is simple: when I feel I’m falling out of alignment, I bring myself back by finding peace within myself and embrace the present moment.
How do I do bring myself back? I bring myself back through my plus-minus approach.
Whole30: My Honest Thoughts
After completing the Whole30 for a third time, I thought I’d share my mixed review on the diet.
Finding Light in the Dark Moments: Our Twin Angels as Teachers
Our twins taught us a lot, but as their mother, Oliver and Dax taught me this important realization: being a mother is a twofold job. In essence, being a mother isn’t solely about mothering my offspring—I have to mother myself too. I have to remind myself to eat my vegetables. I have to remind myself that everything will be okay, no matter how hard it all seems. I have to remind myself to live in love, not fear, and to never take what matters most for granted.
My Failed Pregnancy, Trying Again, and MoDi Twins
Almost exactly a year ago from today, I became pregnant for the first time. I remember the day distinctly—the bright two lines, sharing the news with my closest people, and coming home to Michael and slow-dancing in our living room. It felt surreal, knowing I would become a mother and we would have our family.
The excitement and joy quickly turned into sadness, disappointment, grief, and pain when I went to the bathroom one day and my toilet paper was full of blood. Spotting is normal during early pregnancy I read through a frantic Google search. I clung to that hope—that this was normal—and tried to convince myself it would be okay. But the bleeding persisted more heavily, and I started to cramp.
Trying to Stay Zen When the World is in Flames
During this time, it’s really easy to get caught up in the external world. Here are some tools I use to help ground myself to become more internally grounded so I can give my best self to the world.
Spirit First: A Sustainable Route to a Healthy, Glowing Body
If you’re like me (and many women) you’ve, at one point, struggled to find a healthy relationship with your body. Over the last few years, I’ve discovered a mindset shift that has changed EVERYTHING for the better. In this blog, I share the tools and practices I use to keep a lean body and healthy glow—without any food or exercise drama. This is not a fad. This is not a temporary fix. This is a sustainable, beautiful, loving, healthy lifestyle.