Hi, I’m Megan. I am so glad that you’re here.

Here’s a little story about me.

I Started on a Confused Path…

In my pre-teen years, I looked up to an older crowd — I began doing all the rebellious things teenagers do, but at a younger age. It didn’t matter much, given the lack of boundaries in our house (which was especially true after my parents divorced). My four siblings and I got away with pretty much anything, because our behavior was either unacknowledged or completely dismissed, most of the time.

As I blossomed into my college era, I found myself over-compensating for my lack of structure growing up and committed to a militant lifestyle. This is also the time I became interested in “health” and “wellness.” I started to over-exercise, under-eat, study sleeplessly, and work the 5AM breakfast shifts as a waitress before classes started at noon. I had straight A’s, weighed under 100 pounds, and had plans to become a six-figure earner. It was the opposite side of the pendulum, so to speak.

After undergraduate, I moved to Milwaukee with my boyfriend (now husband). I entered Marquette Law School, not because I was interested in law but because I was told it was the honorable thing to do. I was top of my class and interviewed for the largest firms in the city. My boyfriend and I married, secured well-paying jobs, and bought a home.

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Healing Myself

I had everything—yet, a large part of me felt empty.

Fortunately, I hit a wall. I say fortunately because this wall is what led me to some profound realizations. I started to understand that, for most my life, I looked outside myself to find the answers—either to fit in, look a certain way, or succeed. I was more concerned with what others wanted than what I wanted. After fighting through a lot of darkness, I came to a light which guided me to redefine what it means to have health, beauty, and love in my life.

From there, I began to go inward to find my answers, not outward.  I left the path to become a lawyer, and instead, entered into the beauty industry—a field where I’ve always had truer passion. I started to eat real delicious foods without any guilt or attachment, and move in ways that felt food for my body. I eventually enrolled and graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to became a health coach. Most importantly, I read all the spiritual literature I could get my hands on. I began to meditate and pray daily for the first time in my life—something I still do to this day.

I found a special power in me that I never knew existed. This special power, I now realize, exists inside all of us. It is a power to heal ourselves and to love ourselves unconditionally, just as we are, despite all that has happened in the past.

Today, I wear dresses instead of suits. I write blogs, not legal briefs. I create new health recipes, and I play with interior design—something that has inspired me since I was a little girl. I do all that I love most, even if it doesn’t make sense to others.

Today, I feel the most healthy, beautiful, and loving than I ever had in my entire life. I’ve experimented with many tools, adopted what works best for me, and continue to share with others. My approach is to Add all that brings value, and to Subtract whatever no longer does (i.e., the “Plus Minus” lifestyle).

Spirits in a Material World

Through this process, I’ve understood the importance of unlearning what the world teaches us. We are spirits first, but we live in a material world, and the material world can distract us from being our best selves. The material world can also be insanely joyous—but only if we are willing to go inward, be honest, and center ourselves.

We cannot achieve true health, beauty, and love if our spirits are lost, empty, or misaligned. The internal chaos in our spirit will manifest in ways that diminish true beauty, health, and love in life.

When we are aligned, we can play with the external world in ways that bring us great joy and beauty. Today, I address all things material with more intention — the way I eat, the way I shop, the way I move my body, and more.

Today, I continue to develop practices and share my passions—whether it’s my morning routine, my new non-toxic beauty regime, or the perfect denim I just discovered. I share much of my passions on my blog and Instagram.

Thank you for following along on this journey to find greater versions of ourselves every day. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me personally—I love to connect!

With all the love + gratitude,