My AM/PM Routine

Health and wellness has been important to me for a long time — but, when I became a mom, I realized just how important it is to me.

More than ever, taking care of myself takes work. I have to structure it into my day, and I have to stay extra disciplined to stay consistent with my practices. It is my top priority — to feel good — because I know that, when I take care of myself, I am better to take care of those around me.

That said, not every day looks the same with a baby, two dogs, and my blog/content creation (which, at this point, is full-time for me). Some days, I have to jump off the treadmill multiple times to attend to my baby. Other days, I feed her several times before I feed myself.

Every day is slightly different, but generally, I have a pretty good structure and guide to ensure most of my nonnegotiables get in (movement, nourishment, and mindful practices).

Here is my (ideal) day.


5:30 a.m.

Around 5:30am, Kennedy begins to stir. Luckily, I am a morning person, so this is a natural time for us to start our day together.

I feed her, change her diaper, and go downstairs to make Wonderstate coffee in our Chemex. During this time, Michael gets up too. He lets the dogs out, feeds them, and gives Lucy, our elderly dog, her meds (although I do this too, sometimes).

6 a.m.

Before I drink my coffee, I always take my Seed supplement with a big glass of water. I also take Cymbiotika’s Glutathione, an antioxidant supplement, first thing in the morning (it works best on an empty stomach).

I also fill up my 40 oz. Stanley water bottle and add an LMNT packet for electrolytes and magnesium support. I like to fill up this water bottle at least three times a day — in total, a gallon of water per day.

6:30 a.m.

While I sip my coffee (only one cup, black), I’ll play with Kennedy in the morning (at seven months, we do tummy time, practice sitting up, work with developmental toys — things like that). Sometimes, I’ll even get a meditation in while she plays with her toys, but lately, that’s rare.

I avoid screens in the morning for at least the first 30 minutes to an hour.

7 a.m.

After we play, we go upstairs and I’ll lay her on the floor with toys and she’ll watch me as I tongue scrape, oil pull, wash my face, make the bed, do some quick journaling to set my intentions for the day, and put on my athletic clothing (usually, Kennedy is more intrigued by my actions than her toys).

By the time I’m done with these things, Kennedy is ready for her first morning nap. I spit out my coconut oil, brush my teeth, and put her in her crib.

7:30 a.m.

My work out clothes are already on, so I step on the treadmill to for an hour of movement as Kennedy sleeps (if it’s warm, I’ll walk outside and she’ll sleep in her stroller). Typically, it’s a brisk incline walk (a 4 pace at a 7-12 incline) but sometimes it’s combination of walk/prints.

During my walk, I can usually get through some emails and/or DM’s on Instagram.

I like to either listen to an inspirational podcast, hertz sound waves, or a walking meditation as I walk.

I like to do some planks and stretching on my mat after I get some steps in too.

8:20 a.m.

I’m done with the treadmill, and Kennedy is up from her first nap. I breastfeed and change her.

9 a.m.

If Sarah, our helper, is over in the morning, I’ll leave at this time to get to a 9:30am yoga or barre class. Sarah comes over Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday mornings, so I can usually get in a few classes each week.

If Sarah isn’t over, the next hour is really just a combination of work and play with Kennedy (I’ll be honest though, it’s often mostly entertaining Kennedy).

Really, this looks different each day — some days, I will wear K in the Artipoppe carrier as I work on my laptop. Other days, she’s with her toys next to me as I do some work. Often, though, it’s simply just me playing with her — depends on her temperament!

10:15 a.m.

Kennedy is ready for another nap. I will get her room ready with white noise, change her, and put her in her crib.

10:30 a.m.

Now that I’ve exercised and Kennedy is sleeping, it’s time to shower.

I usually always dry brush before I shower. Right now, I am using Corpus body wash, Chantcaille cleanser, and Oribe Gold Lust shampoo and conditioner (I wash my hair every 2-3 days or so).

I use Oak Essentials Vitamin C serum, Vintner’s Daughter oil, and some SPF on my face. I use Osea body oil or body balm for my body moisturizer.

11:00 a.m.

After my shower, I break my intermittent fast with either a green juice, a bowl of berries, or my coconut berry smoothie.

Note: I tend to start light and eat heavier throughout the day — I find my energy levels are much greater (this is the food combining philosophy, an eastern approach to create positive chi, i.e., life force energy).

11:30 a.m.

Kennedy wakes — I will feed her and change her again.

Again, the next hour or so is a combination of work and entertaining Kennedy; the ratio isn’t always very even, I will say!


1 p.m.

Around 1pm, I’m ready for a more substantial meal. I’ll typically eat a large salad full of good fats, complex carbohydrates, and maybe even a little protein (turkey bacon or shredded chicken).

I like to have my Cymbiotika Magnesium and Mushrooms supplement after lunch — they taste like a yummy dessert!

I try to not have any screens while I’m eating so I can be fully present with my meal.

1:30 p.m.

Kennedy is ready for another nap.

Once she is down, I’ll do my best to get some work in — corresponding with brands, updating my site, shops, and kits, taking and editing photos, drafting a blog or my newsletter, etc (it’s a one woman show over here!).

3 p.m.

Kennedy is up — I’ll feed and change her again.

On Wednesdays, Sarah comes over in the evening, so on those days, I’ll get in my appointments at this time — a massage, haircut, nails, facial, etc (I always look forward to Wednesdays!).

If Sarah isn’t over, the next hour is for me — usually, finishing up some work, but sometimes, taking a moment to read or sit in my sauna blanket.

4:30 p.m.

Kennedy is ready for her final shortest nap. I’ll lay her down and dim the lights around the house. Then, I’ll feed the dogs, give Lucy her medicine, and take the dogs out again.

If it’s a Wednesday, Sarah will put her down and take care of the dogs.


4:45 p.m.

Dinner prep with dim lights and candles (and sometimes a baby pour of wine)! I often like light music during this time too.

Dinner is my heaviest meal — usually, a healthy protein, like salmon or chicken, with a vegetable on the side, and maybe a grain or starch. I want to be completely satiated after dinner to ensure a good night sleep.

If it’s a Wednesday, Sarah makes us dinner (again, always look forward to Wednesdays!).

5:15 p.m.

Michael is home, Kennedy is awake, and we eat dinner together. Kennedy is beginning to eat solids now, so that’s exciting.

I also always have to eat something sweet after dinner — some Lily’s or Hu chocolate, coconut ice cream, my pb cookies, etc.

6 p.m.

Michael, Kennedy, and I will spend time together after dinner. Often, I’ll lay in my infrared sauna blanket next to her play gym — win win!

6:45 p.m.

I get Kennedy ready for bed. I always dim the lights in her room and put on her white noise. Then, I change her, feed her, and read her a bedtime story (or two, or three).

7 p.m.

By 7pm, Kennedy is down for the night.

From here, I'll wash my face and hop in the shower or bath to warm my body and “wash off the day.” I like to massage my skin with oil after my shower or bath.

For my face, I use iS Clincal Active Serum and finish with an oil and moisturizer in the evening. Lately, I’ve loved Furtuna oil and Osea’s new Advanced Atmosphere Protection cream.

Then I’ll get into my pajamas.

7:45 p.m.

By this time, I am done with screens for the rest of the day (definitely try to not be on them in bed).

Before getting into bed, I will put lotion on both my feet and hands and moisturize my lips. I also will take a sleep supplement, like Sleep by Arrae or the gummies my Olly.

Often, I’ll lay on my acupressure mat in bed while I journal and/or read. I do this usually for about a half hour.

8:15 p.m.

Lights out!


10 Things, 01.2023


Spring Cleaning Came Early