Reflection: Intention Over Goals in 2024

Dear Reader,

Usually, when a new year begins, I determine things I’d like to accomplish (mini goals, if you will). I feel less of a calling to do that this year.

Rather, I have more of a single intention.

An intention to be more connected to myself  — as a mother and wife, as a tastemaker/homemaker, as a Manifesting Generator/ INFJ/ Cancerian woman (IYKYK).

We all have very different natures and unique energies—no one is better than the other. Actually, they’re all pretty freaking awesome when we embrace them.

Sometimes I think our goals can get in the way, leading us to think we ought to do or be something, when maybe, it really isn’t in our truest interest.

Or maybe I’m just talking for myself here.

Ironically, I sit here this morning after looking back at my goals for 2023 — all of them I achieved, many of which I surpassed.

I ask myself honestly: Did reaching that goal fulfill me?

Some did. Most didn’t.

This isn’t to poo-poo goal-setting — I dig ambition — but lately, it seems clearer to me that it’s more important to have an honest check-in with myself, rather than a check-list of goals, as I head into the new year.

I ask myself now: What do I want in 2024?

Ultimately, what I want is a deeper connection to my own beautifully weird unique nature  — to do things that bring my nervous system peace, my mind joy, my heart softness.

It’s a practice, to connect to this.

Sometimes it’s scary because we have to go back to the drawing board, erase everything we thought, and start over.

I do believe the more we honor ourselves, the more we honor the beauties within those around us, too. We are at peace with it all. We compare less. There’s no competition.

Perhaps naturally, the more I’m at peace with myself and those around me, the less interested I am in goal-setting altogether.

It makes me wonder how many of our goals are truly for ourselves, rather than to prove things to other people.

As we enter the new year, I am curious: what truly brings *you* peace and joy, in your own beautiful unique nature?

Maybe you do more of that in 2024. 💕


10 Things for January


10 Things for December