Holiday Gift Guide: For the Homebody

A Friday night at home, wrapped in a blanket, with a cozy beverage and a lit candle… is anything better?

These gifts are for anyone who lives for the heart-warming moments at home. Those that seek cozy warm comforts and nurturing experiences. Truly, I think we all can appreciate those things — not just the hibernators.

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1. Freda Salvador James slipper the most perfect slipper (I bought a pair of these last year and have worn them every single day since). I gifted these last year and they never disappoint!
2. Electric Fellow Kettle this sets to the perfect temperature for tea, coffee, hot chocolate, or whatever your homebody loves to sip on. Also love the chic aesthetic.
3. Jenni Kayne Cedar Candlemy favorite candle right now — it’s just perfect for this time of year (Megan15 for a discount).
4. Skin Quilted Robe — honestly all Skin pieces look like a big cuddle fest.
5. Cashmere Socks — one of those things people often don’t splurge on for themself — at that, a great gift.
6. A Unique Vase – some eye candy for the home that holds fragrant foliage.
7. Good Kind Work Mugthe most quality hand-crafted ceramic mugs… they truly make hot beverages more enjoyable.
8. Throw Blanket — I personally own this throw and I looove cuddling up it! It also has a nice textural appeal to add to a sofa or chair.

More ideas for the homebody


Holiday Gift Guide: For the Health Conscious


Gift Guide | On My List