A Love For: Goop

Back in 2015, a friend of mine, who works for Beauty Counter, told me with excitement: “Beauty Counter is now on Goop!”

I felt silly, not knowing what Goop was — but immediately, after she informed me of Gwyneth’s brilliant work, I was drawn in. Ever since, I’ve been completely obsessed with all things Goop.

What I’ve learned about Goop is this: you either hate it or you love it. Every time I share a product, I get a slew of DM’s either bashing the brand or celebrating it. This stark contrast, perhaps, is one reason I fall into the lovers category — I love that Gwyneth is unapologetically herself, which inevitably leads to a lot of bold opinions in return.

Beyond my love for GP’s honesty and authenticity, though, is her curiosity to explore so many subjects (her podcast is gold, ranging from topics on ageism, to parenthood, to meditation and mindfulness, sex, health trends, etc.), along with her commitment to use the greatest quality materials to craft what we consume — cosmetics, clothing, even food.

So yeah, I’ve been a Goop fan for almost a decade now, and truly, I believe it just keeps getting better.

Which is why I am so excited to share that I am an Ambassador for the brand now, and will continue to share my love for all my favorites on a more consistent basis.

Here’s the catch though: Goop thought of you in their Ambassador program too. Whenever you shop my links, you will receive cash back too. In essence, you and I will split my commission that I make through Goop when you use my Split links (hence the name “Split”). This works as an incentive for both the creator and the consumer.

I share this with transparency because I think it is a really intentional way to discover the brand. Instead of using a one-time promotional code, you have access to my links at all times for a discounted product.

With that in mind, I thought I’d share a few of my favorites here (the ones I buy year after year, but also, a couple new ones I’ve recently fallen in love with:


Typically, I don’t put forth effort to write a blog for a simple partnership, but I felt called to because I truly love it so much — and I want to spread all its goodness to you, too!

Let me know if you have any questions — and most importantly, enjoy!




10 Things, 04.2023


Reflection: Done is Better Than Good