10 Pluses, 11.2022


  • For moms (or anyone) on the run — a functional pretty sneaker is a must. I just got these NB sneaks (okay, these too), and I also love the Adidas Sambas and these Reeboks.

  • I’ve been on a big knit dress kick lately; they’re comfy, chic, and practical! Here are some of my favorites: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

  • Whipped out my Sophie Buhai silver everyday hoops again (I like silver in the colder season, and gold in warmer season). Also love her everyday drop-downs. Her “everyday” collection is nice because it’s light enough to wear all day everyday — hence the name.


  • I just got the Higher Dose infrared sauna blanket and it’s SO wonderful. A perfect at-home happy remedy for the colder season — such a good sweat and detox. MEGAN15 for 15% off.

  • After hearing so many rave about Arrae products, I decided to give them a try. Gotta say it’s worth the hype — both the Calm and Bloat seem almost instantly effective (I just ordered Sleep too!). MEGAN15 for 15% off.

  • So into Osea’s new Vagus Nerve line, especially the bath oil. This line is formulated to activate the vagus nerve — a part of our nervous system that alleviates stress and promotes relaxation. MEGANK10 for 10% off.




New Wellness Tools I’m Loving


Reflection: On Aesthetics