Recipe: Strawberry Coconut Popsicles

Last year, I invested in these stainless steel popsicle molds — and I am so glad I did! Popsicles are so refreshing during these hot days (not complaining, but it’s like 80+ degrees here every day recently), and I love that they can be a tasty dessert with healthier ingredients.

Call me basic, but I really love just a simple creamy strawberry popsicle. That’s what these are — made with whole ingredients, involve zero refined sugars, and are creamy yet completely vegan (if you swap the honey for maple syrup).



  • 1 (12 oz.) can of full fat coconut milk

  • 1 very ripe banana

  • 1 cup fresh strawberries

  • 1/4 cup fresh raspberries

  • 1 TB honey (or maple syrup)


  1. Wash all the above produce thoroughly and cut off the strawberries leafs

  2. Pour all the above ingredients in a blender

  3. Blend until everything is smooth, about 15-20 seconds

  4. Pour into molds (I usually keep a 1/4 inch from the top because, when frozen, it will expand), and put into the freezer for roughly four hours.

  5. Four hours later, when you pull from freezer, you may have to run the stainless steel mold under water for a moment to remove the popsicle.

  6. Enjoy!

Note: if you do not have popsicle molds, you can pour into a bowl and make it into a strawberry granita. Simply pull from freezer every 40-ish minutes and mix it with a fork for it becomes fluffier.


Slowing Down in a Speedy Society: My Personal Tools


10 Pluses, 06.2021