10 Things for May

Dear Reader,

As I write to you, I look out at our foresty backyard, which is filled with neon green buds sprouting from every branch. Honestly, I feel like I’m tripping on some type of psychedelic; this view is electrifying, almost unreal.

Truly, I think May is my favorite month of the year.

Here, May is rebirth month, a miraculous time that represents newness and hope with bright blossoms, warmer weather, and greener days ahead. There is something energizing about it all.

Grateful for this energy before I give birth next month (isn’t it ironic that both my girls are June babies?). It feels like the Universe knew this is the time for me to bring new life into the world with the positive energy I absorb in May.

I will admit: I also look forward to June, July, August… to my postpartum life. Although I love aspects of pregnancy, the final month can be quite uncomfortable for me (I swear, this baby is living in my right ribcage). I’m ready to feel totally myself again.

I look forward to diving into my love for fashion (pregnancy style is so limited), my sweaty sauna sessions, a damn good glass of Pinot Noir, a broad band light service (maybe I’ll even try a Retinol!?). You know, the no-no things that suddenly sound HELL YES post birth.

In the meantime, though, I appreciate all this goodness and beauty before me. This day, this neon green moment, is pretty freaking special too.

Sharing some things below I’ve been loving here and now. I say it often—that none of these things are needed—but they bring little bits of joy to my day, and I like to share what brings me joy.

Until next month,

xx Megan





  • Sort of went down an Astier de Villatte rabbit hole the other night and accidentally bought four mugs. Cannot resist that French ceramic touch.

  • Received the “In the Clouds” bouquet from Bouqs, and it makes me want to subscribe for regular flowers. That said, I want this bouquet on repeat because it’s so damn pretty.


  • Maybe this is too “pregnant territory,” but I’ve turned to Tums to help with acid reflux. A reader informed me of this better-for-you alternative that I felt called to share for those who struggle with tummy/acidic things.

  • Inhaling and smothering myself with this lavender oil every night in bed. Lavender is hit or miss for me, but I love this one (and I love that it doest need a carrier to be applied topically).


Home Details: Everhem Drapery